2nd Test Of BrahMos-ER Successful

Brahmos, also called as the Brahmāstra of India, added another achievement in indigenization and also in firepower. On the date, September 30, 2020, DRDO has conducted the 2nd test of BrahMos-ER (Extended Range) from Balasore, Integrated Test Range (ITR) from a Mobile Launcher.
Following the first test done on March 11, 2017, which was “as a part of Capability Enhancement Endeavour”. At that time Brahmos showed its capability to attacking beyond the range of 400 Kms (450 Kms is the actual range). After that, on Wednesday, September 30, the 2nd test was conducted under project PJ-10 of DRDO.
The big capability over here is, it was tested by Indigenous Airframe and also Indigenous Booster of Missile. As Tweeted by ANI the test was successful and the BrahMos-ER was able to hit the targets beyond 400 Kms.
This all comes at the time of the unsettling and burning of LAC faceoff with China. We all know that already Aakash, Nirabhay, and Brahmos ( 290 Km) variant has been deployed at the LAC. This capability will add the teeth in the Brahmos as the range got extended from 290 to 450 Km.
Along with this Brhamos is a Super Sonic Cruise missile that can reach almost up to the Speeds of 3 Mach (2.8 to be precise). They can be fired from the Land (Mobile Launcher), Sea (Frigates and Destroyers), and also Air (Fired from Sukhoi-30 MKI). Also, it is said that BrahMos can be easily equipped with Nuclear warheads as well. One has to just remove Conventional Warhead and Assemble the other one, the test of this is not yet done. But our neighboring countries very well know this capability of the BrahMos missile.
This test is important has 2 indigenous parts of it are tested here. This will make the BrahMos more and more Indegenised as compared to its previous versions. And will also increase the Stand-off Distance of all forces in the future.
All future ships being built and ships coming for mid-life up-gradation will be fitted with the missile as per some reports. The Indian Army has also inducted three regiments of Brahmos supersonic cruise missile. Along with this, there are chances of Increasing the Speed of the missile up to 4 Mach. Further Vareint of BrahMos which would be able to reach 800 Kms is awaiting clearance by the Indian Government.