Govt Gives Financial Powers To Armed Forces Command Heads

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved financial powers to clear projects worth up to Rs 200 crore to the deputy chiefs and command heads of the armed forces for capital procurement projects, officials said.
The financial powers have been approved for projects under the ‘Other Capital Procurement Procedure’ category, they said.
Financial powers to clear projects worth up to Rs 200 crore have been delegated to Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Air Officer Maintenance and Deputy Chief of Integrated Defence Staff as well as to additional director general of Indian Coast Guard.
“This delegation of powers within service headquarters and up to command level for items of capital nature such as overhauls, refits, upgrades etc. will enhance the utility of existing assets and will facilitate faster processing and implementation of projects,” the defence ministry said.
As per the approval, financial powers for capital procurement projects worth up to Rs 100 crore have been delegated to General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C), Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-in-C), Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief (AOC-in-C) at services commands and regional commands, officials said.