CDS 2 2020 Admit Card Released

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the CDS (Combined Defence Services Exam) 2 2020 admit card on October 15, 2020. Candidates who successfully fill the CDS application form 2020 can download it, by visiting the official website. Post downloading the CDS 2 2020 admit card candidates must check all the details mentioned on it carefully, if there are any discrepancies, contact UPSC for the same. Aspirants will have to carry the admit card of CDS 2 2020 on the exam day to the exam centre along with an original identity proof (Aadhar card, Voter ID, Passport, Driving License etc.) Failing to do so, they will not be able to appear in the exam.
The CDS 2 2020 exam will be conducted on November 08, 2020.
Visit the official website
The written examination consists of 3 papers.
1. English (100 marks, 120 Questions)
2. General Knowledge (100 marks, 120 Questions)
3. Elementary Mathematics (100 marks, 100 Questions)
For Air Force Academy (AFA), Indian Naval Academy(INA), And Indian Military Academy (IMA) all the three papers are required to be appeared whereas for Officers Training Academy (OTA), only English And General Knowledge i.e. first two papers are required to be appeared. Yet, Girls candidate can appear only for OTA
There are a total of 344 vacancies that are released under the UPSC CDS 2 2020 recruitment. For Indian Military Academy there are 100 vacancies, Indian Naval Academy 26 vacancies, Air Force Academy there are 32 Vacancies, Officer Training Academy there are 169 vacancies.
The selection process of CDS 2020 comprises written exam, SSB interview and medical examinaton. Cndidates who clear the CDS exam 2020 will be called for SSB interview later.
Total Marks for written exam – 300 Every paper has 100 marks,English, and GK, each paper has 120 questions for 100 marks, means 0.83 marks for each question. Mathematics Paper has 100 questions for 100 marks, that is 1 mark for each question. The Examination has negative marking system. For every wrong answer, penalty of 1/3rd of the marks of each right answer will be reduced.