This time it’s the Chinese H6 Bombers to be analyzed as a possible threat or not?. Earlier, we analyzed useless Chinese Fighter aircraft engines, its new deadly DF-17 missile, and their noisy Submarines. But an aspect which is remained is the bomber fleet of PLA. This is to be known that India doesn’t have bomber aircraft. It does bombing operations with Fighters.
Let’s understand a bit about Bomber aircraft. They are mainly used to just destroy the whole area. This means if a whole area is to be eliminated, then take a bomber and start dropping bombs blindly. Also, they could be used for carrying nuclear deterrence. But since nuclear bombs are not used (Consequences we all know) that much, we mainly used for dropping the conventional ones.
The thing about the bomber is that it can travel large distances and can carry much more payload than traditional aircraft. This makes bomber more dangerous than Fighters. But at the same time, the bomber doesn’t have offensive measures. We will discuss that later over here only. Very few countries in the world have bomber like said even India doesn’t have one. The question, whether it needs, is also debatable.
The H-6 Bomber
Let’s understand more about the bomber and also discuss its capabilities. H-6 Bomber is actually also derived from the Russian Tu-16. The H-6 can be said as the Chinese version of it. Chinese Xi’an Aircraft Industrial Corporation (XAC) signed a license production agreement with the USSR to build the type in the late 1950s. Delivery started in 1958 and the first Chinese Tu-16 or H-6 came in 1959.
Over the years several modifications and versions of H6 been developed. Starting from H6 Basic to H-6 N which is the latest one. But over the years, the main airframe hasn’t evolved that much. This means, it has new electronics, engines, radars, etc. but the basic structure is still the same. The last one i.e. H6 – N was actually was very recent and shown to the world in the 2019 parade. It is said that China 120 bomber but several reports claim them more than 240. And these numbers are claimed to be as high as 270 across the country. Most of them are on the East Coast.
The Basic H6 Bomber and Earlier improved versions:-
- H -6:- Conventional Bomber
- H- 6 A:- Nuclear Bomber
- H-6B:- Aerial Reconnaissance
- H-6 D:- Anti-ship missile carrier (Could carry max. 4)
- H-6E:- Strategic bomber with better countermeasures
- H- 6 F:- Similar to basic H-6 A and H-6 C but with new radar, navigation, GPS,
- H- 6 G:- New countermeasure pods, Suite with new target providers. No internal bombs or bay
- H-6 H:-Modified for Land Attack cruise missile but no internal bombs and bay
These are the aircraft that were developed in the earlier phases. The last H-6 H came in the 1990s.
Further improved versions

H-6 K bomber aircraft has better soviet engines i.e. D-30 KP engines. This aircraft was also modified internally as well. There are also 6 hardpoints in total under each wind. It was also said that it had a center hardpoint but the claims were not properly proved. The reason it is better than above all is that because of the new engines. The main purpose was to serve the air-force of China
The H-6 J is very similar to H-6 K but was a bit modified for Navy purposes. It has a bit greater payload capacity and range. But the performance was very similar to H-6 K. The H-6J’s weapon capacity is about twice that of the H-6G, with a 50 percent farther combat radius to about 3,500 kilometers.
H-6 M is aircraft available with fewer details but it has 4 underwings hardpoint instead of 6. It’s also called a cruise missile carrier. Also has a terrain-following system.
The most potent H-6 N

H-6 N
It is the latest and was revealed on the 1st October 2019 parade. It is most potent and dangerous because it is the first one to have air-to-air refueling capabilities. Above all this, it has a special concavity underneath its fuselage. The Pentagon says this can be used to carry an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) or an unmanned air vehicle.
The fighter was also recently in the news as it was found carrying an ASBM. Claims are made that it was a DF-17 missile and possibly an air-launched version. The separate article is also made of the same. This missile is quite dangerous. Also, some claims were that it was DF-21D (An Aircraft carrier missile), which can attack from within China till 1500 km away. This makes him beyond the range of F-35 and it can target the Aircraft carrier also.
However, the accuracy of the missile is still doubted, but that’s a different topic not to be discussed here. Another weapon he sees the H-6 N carrying is the CM-401 short-range ALBM. This weapon’s “skip-glide” trajectory makes it particularly challenging for ballistic missile defense systems to intercept.
The reason why these are in a different category than others is that they are actually much better than earlier ones or one can say Basic H-6 bombers. The basic reason is the engine upgrade as it allows much better maintenance and target radius. Also, future plans are made to equip them with a domestic WS-18 engine. But still, doubt of this engine is much. You can know more about the Chinese engine article. Also, the K, J, and N have a solid nose, so possibly it has PESA or AESA radar
Other Variant
They are also modified for different roles like Ariel Refueling, called HY series. There are 4 versions of HY refuelers, namely HY-6, HY-6U. HY-6D, HY-6 DU. The main purpose is ariel refueling but can be modified easily for bombing as well. Well, there is also Xian H-6 D for export purposes as well. Also, Xian HD-6 is made for Electronic warfare.
Threat To India
The first threat is the bomber itself. India Doesn’t actually have a bomber. It is said that attack aircraft of India will serve the purpose. Well like said, again the debatable topic and discuss it in the future.
While the H-6 is an ideal platform for supporting Beijing’s comprehensive A2/AD (Anti access/area denial) strategy to keep US forces at bay in the event of a conflict, only the arrival of the H-20 will give the PLAAF a strategic capability similar that offered Washington by the B-2 or developmental Northrop B-21. However the same can be used against India as well. The aircraft has also been found patrolling near Malacca strait at times.
Also, some bases from the South China sea can operate the H-6 bombers. So if used from there, the strategy of the Indian Navy to choke the Malacca could pose a threat. The DF-21D could also pose a threat to INS Vikramaditya. Since it also has Anti-ship capabilities it can also pose threat to frigates and destroyers.

At Ladakh, also it is posing a threat. The news from August has claimed the possible presence of H-6 J and K at Hotan and Kashgar Airbase. Limited in numbers but still a possible threat. Along with this new base at Nagri Gurgunsa might also be equipped with them.
How Not A Threat?
The H-6 bomber has evolved a lot internally and in many stages externally as well. But still, its basic airframe is of an old H-6 bomber which means it is still a Soviet Relic. The thing is this bomber that can easily be detected by SAM batteries. Along with that, any flying attack aircraft can spot it and bring it down if it comes for a bombing role. The Bomber is not at all stealth-like B-2 of US which is famous for going undetected by enemy defenses at times and do bombing.
The eastern base had the most bombers, the combat radius of H-6 is around 3000kms. Due to this, it can reach up to Malacca Strait not further. Since the H-6 N bomber came out in 2019. There are chances that the numbers of them would be a little low.
The soviet retires the TU-16 bombers in 1990 while China is stretching them out totally. It is said that this bomber will be the main bombers till 2030 in China. The H-6 J and H-6 K are the backbones of the bomber fleet. They actually are in large numbers, one should not forget.
Quantity has a quality of its own
We will also understand more about this quote in further articles.
Also, In Tibet, we are keeping a close watch on Hotan, Kashgar, and Nagri Gurgunsa Airbase. The distance from Leh to Kashgar is 625 km, Hotan is 390 km and Gurgunsa is 330 km. They are all located in Tibet at an altitude of more than 11000 feet. Here, the main advantage is the altitude as with higher altitude you cannot carry the payload that you can do from plains.
Like said, any military asset is a threat. How much defensive equipment we have, decides the level of threat. H-6 is as it’s neither stealth nor supersonic, so it can be brought down easily by SAM missiles. Also one can bring it down from Navy assets. But if H-6 fires lots of missiles to confuse the SAMs then a chance is possible for destruction.
In Ladakh specifically, the aircraft could be brought down as India has SCALP missile on Rafale which has a range of 250kms. Since the bases are not far from LAC, Rafale can easily make them useless but entering a little inside.

Above all this, in the future, S-400 will be there to further complicate the use of this Bomber to China. But at the same time, there are Chances that the new H-20 bomber will start posing as a threat to everyone. Currently, fewer details are available for this bomber but it is said to be ready in a few years. As of now the Current H-6 fleet is highly Vulnerable to Indian defenses and brings them down easily. But the Numbers of the bomber is what creates fear in India, the USA, and even QUAD.