Will Destroy UAVs Flying Around INS Hamla, Warns Navy

(This was originally posted On Times Of India)
Indian Navy has warned of destroying or confiscating on spotting any non-conventional aerial objects—that includes Drones or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)—flying around 3-km near the prohibited zone of the defence installation at INS Hamla (a logistics training establishment) in Marve Road, Malad (W).
The operator found violating the orders will be booked under the non-bailable Indian Penal Code sections for waging war against the Government of India, it further said.
A Navy official said all the defence installations currently present in South Mumbai are already under the Red zone and are flying any non-conventional aerial objects in the area is prohibited.
“It is a no-fly zone where INS Hamla is located which comes under the red zone of the digital sky platform,” said the official.
Red zone includes airspace near international borders, close to airports and other strategic locations.
The other two zones are: Yellow – a restricted zone and requires an Air Defence Clearance, and Green zone- which is unrestricted for flights.
Indian Navy (Chief PRO) Commander Mehul Karnik said if drone flying is deemed necessary in the area, the operator or the agency should obtain approval from the Director-General Civil Aviation (DGCA) through the Digi Sky website and a copy of the approval letter to be submitted INS Hamla at least one week before the scheduled flying operation.
“The prohibition order is for all high-security zones and vital installations including the defence installations,” he said.