
Pakistan ISI Orders Terror Modules To Carry Out Civilian Killings In Valley

(This was originally posted in The Sunday Guardian Live by Abhinandan Mishra)

Even as Pakistan leaders and officials are reaching out to Western governments to seek validation and reward for the “good job” that they did in Afghanistan, their spy agency, ISI, has prepared a list of at least 200 Indian nationals and foreign diplomats active in the Kashmir valley who are to be targeted in the coming days. The list also contains the numbers of the vehicles that these individuals use.

Details accessed by The Sunday Guardian show that soon, a new terror organization will be floated that will start taking the responsibility for the wave of civilian assassinations that the ISI-mandated groups intend to carry out in the valley. The Sunday Guardian is not sharing the details of the sub-category of individuals, which also include members of the armed forces and allied agencies, who have been put on the target list.

The execution of such operations will be carried out by non-listed cadres and OGW (overground workers) of various terror groups to escape the identification of the perpetrators. What has worried the security agencies is the fact that the terror groups are executing attacks with a lot of stealth. Every attack is carried out by one individual, on the lines of a lone wolf attack.

“Earlier, recruitments to the terror groups were announced with much fanfare while the recruitees used to go away from their homes and stay with the terrorists. But now, young students and boys are recruited and they continue to stay with their families until they are called for some action. No announcement is made about their recruitment and most of the times, even family members are not aware that their boys have joined terrorism,” a senior officer told The Sunday Guardian.

Elaborating further, the officer said that such attacks were proving to be very difficult to prevent. “Such lone wolf attackers are very deadly as they do not carry weapons with them. These assassins move around silently—pick a pistol from an OGW, carry out the killing, give the murder weapon to another OGW and then swiftly merge with the crowd even before security officials or the common people realise what has happened,” he added.

Another reason to use such “unidentified” people rather than proclaimed terrorists in carrying out such terror at tacks is to make the attacks appear a result of an “indigenous anger” of the local, common Kashmiri against the revocation of Article 370.

Such attacks will also decrease the tourist inflow into the valley which will lead to a creation of economic and social unrest among the locals and anger against the State and Central governments that have been able to, to a large extent, normalize the volatile situation in the valley.

The targets of such attacks—as per the 21 September meeting that was held at an undisclosed location in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir between ISI officials (who have been identified by Indian agencies) and representatives of multiple tanzeems (groups)—are in most cases “Hindus”.

This has been done to achieve the twin objective of ensuring that Hindu community members leave the valley, no new Hindu family moves to the valley and to create a communally sensitive environment in other parts of the country, especially Uttar Pradesh, so that Hindu fringe elements carry out retributory action against members of Muslim community. The recent killing of unarmed civilians in the Kashmir valley who include a street vendor, a school teacher, the principal of a school and a prominent pharmacist, is part of this larger plan to create an environment of fear in the valley and that of anger in the rest of the country.

For the purpose of carrying out such attacks—which will use a totally different modus operandi of storming camps of security agencies—small arms that can be easily concealed, including pistol and grenades, are being smuggled into the valley through two different places at the Line of Control.

The Sunday Gaurdian Live

Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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