
Pak FM Calls For UN’s Decisive Role In Resolving Kashmir Dispute

(This was originally posted in DTNext) 

Pak FM Calls For UN’s Decisive Role In Resolving Kashmir Dispute “Pakistan desires normal relations with India, however, the onus is on India to create an atmosphere to enable meaningful engagement,” the Minister said during his interaction with the Guterres in New York. Qureshi also renewed his invitation to India for a dialogue and said that the only solution to the Kashmir dispute is through talks, based on the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

“India is running away from table talks with Pakistan on Kashmir,” he said. Qureshi briefed Guterres about what he called serious human rights violations in the “Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir”, including the incarceration of political leaders and extra-judicial killings. The Foreign Minister also brushed aside the criticism on Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, by the opposition political parties, for selling of the Kashmir cause, stating that the premier can never compromise on the Kashmir cause as he is the “Ambassador of the Kashmir cause and is the voice of the people of Kashmiris to the world”.

“Let this be clear, Pakistan’s position on the issue of Kashmir is very clear. There can be no talks until India reverses its decision of August 5, 2019,” he insisted. Talking about his visit to New York for the Palestinian cause, Qureshi said that his visit to attend the UNGA session on Palestine was “an expression of Pakistan’s support for the legitimate case of the Palestinian people for their right to self-determination”.

Qureshi called for a collective effort to end the human tragedy in Palestine, aimed at averting threats to regional peace.
He demanded the UN to constitute an “International Protection Force” to ensure safety and security of the Palestinian people. “If the world body cannot do it, a coalition of willing can be formed for the purpose.”


Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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