
Indian Naval Fast Attack Craft (IN FAC) T-81 Decommissioned

Indian Naval Fast Attack Craft (IN FAC) T-81 of the Super Dvora MK II class, was decommissioned on 28 Jan 21 at Naval Dockyard, Mumbai after having served the nation successfully for more than 20 years. Rear Admiral V Srinivas, Flag Officer Commanding Maharashtra Naval Area was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

The 25 meters long vessel with 60 tonnes displacement was built at Goa Shipyard Ltd. In collaboration with M/s Ramta of Israel. She was commissioned into the Navy on 05 Jun 1999 by the then Governor of Goa, Lt Gen JFR Jacob (Retd).

The ship, specially designed for shallow waters, could achieve speeds up to 45 knots and had the capability of day/night surveillance and reconnaissance, Search & Rescue, beach insertion, extraction of Marine Commandoes and high speed interception of intruder craft.


Pennant Numbers with commission dates:
FAC T-80 (24 June 1998)
FAC T-81 (06 June 1999)
FAC T-82 (09 October 2003)
FAC T-83 (27 November 2003)
FAC T-84 (19 April 2004)

Future Commissions: FAC T-85 (2006)
……………………….FAC T-86 (2006)

Displacement: 60 tons full load.

Dimensions: Length – 25.4 metres. (incl. ASD platform)
……………..Beam – 5.67 metres.
……………..Draught – 1.1 metres.

Main Machinery: Two diesel engines with 4570 hp and two Arneson ASD-16 articulating surface drives.

Maximum Speed: 45 knots.

Maximum Range: 700 miles at 42 knots.

Complement: 10 (incl. 1 officer).

Weapons: One Oerlikon 20mm gun and two 12.7mm MGs.

Weapons Control: Elop MSIS optronic low-light-level surveillance and weapons direction device, which enables the vessel to accurately destroy small high-speed crafts and engage light shore defence. Goa SY Ltd. states that the Super Dvoras are fitted the Mk.20 naval stabilized gun system.

Radar: Surface; Koden, I-band.

Comments: The first two XFAC (Extra Fast Attack Craft) were ordered from Ramta, IAI on 02 December 1996. Two more being built at the Goa SY. This is the latest version of an Israeli fast patrol craft, also acquired by the Sri Lankan Navy. An additional 15 are projected, some possibly for the Coast Guard. XFAC is designed for putting to sea in the shortest possible time for day-night coastal surveillance and reconnaissance, co-ordinated sea-air search & rescue (SAR) operations, beach insertion and/or extraction of commando forces and high speed interception of small, manoeuvrable intruder craft over territorial waters. XFAC incorporates the most modern structural, hydro-dynamic and propulsion features and a proven combat record in all aspects. The ASD propulsion system provides the XFAC with the excellent shallow water capability, including beaching, exceptional manoeuvring & survivability, high redundancy, rapid acceleration and de-acceleration, high stability and excellent sea-keeping qualities.


Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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