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DRDO Vs DARPA – In-Depth Analysis

There has been always a comparison between Fighter jets, Helicopters, Missiles, Guns, Space agencies, spy agencies, military strategies, and lots of other things in the world. Still, today let’s do a comparison between research institutes, as in India vs America i.e. DRDO Vs DARPA. For those who don’t know DARPA, for them, What DRDO is for India, the same way DARPA is for the USA. The first and foremost thing common between both organizations is the letter “D” at the beginning which represents “Defence”. Both organizations are premier research institutions of the respective country i.e. India and the USA. Both of them are working for their country’s defense enhancement and capability development. But from what lines of reference, can a comparison be drawn? Let’s understand.


About DRDO

DRDO stands for Defence Research and Development Organisation. It was established in 1958 and headquartered in DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi. Formed in 1958 by the merger of the Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production of the Indian Ordinance factories with the Defence Science Organisation. At the time it had only 10 establishments/laboratories

Currently, With a network of 52 laboratories, which are engaged in developing defense technologies, covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronics, land combat engineering, life sciences, materials, missiles, and naval systems. DRDO is India’s largest and most diverse research organization. It is being headed by the Ministry of Defence with G Satheesh Reddy as the Chairman of DRDO


Pic credits:- DARPA

DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It was established on February 7, 1958, by then-USA president Dwight D Eisenhower. Formulated in response to the Soviet Union launch of Sputnik 1. Since a small satellite even though doing nothing, sent chills down the spine of the US government.  By collaborating with academia, industry, and government partners, DARPA formulates and executes research and development projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science, often beyond immediate U.S. Military requirements. 

Earlier it was just called ARPA but later called DARPA because its focus was kept limited to the defense. The headquarters are in Arlington, Virginia, USA. It comes under the United States Department of Defence. The current director of DARPA is Stefanie Tompkins

The Structure


In DRDO there are Technology clusters in which a group of labs/establishments work for a particular technology/domain. These clusters together give the final output. Each cluster has several labs under them and all of them are working for improving the current technology

The clusters are as below:-

  • Aeronautical Systems (Aero)

Engaged in the development of unmanned Air Vehicles, Aero Gas Turbine Engine Technology, Airborne Surveillance Systems, Parachutes, Decelerators, and Lighter-than-Air Systems. The cluster comprises four labs – ADE, ADRDE, CABS, GTRE, and a center CEMILAC. They provide concurrent airworthiness certification, support to indigenous development to certify upgrades, and integration of imported and indigenous systems.

  • Armament & Combat Engineering Systems (ACE)

Focuses on research & development of armaments, explosives, land-based combat vehicles & engineering equipment. Labs under this cluster are also involved in the production of systems through the Transfer of Technology (ToT). Components of armaments, ammunitions, missiles, gun propellants, high explosives for warheads, pyrotechnics for various applications, synthesis and characterization of new energetic materials, electro-explosive devices, and high energy materials. Combat Engineering labs are engaged in the development of systems/platforms like MBT, bridging systems, launchers for missiles & wheeled as well as tracked vehicles. The ACE cluster includes eight labs – ACEM, ARDE, CVRDE, DTRL, HEMRL, PXE, R&DE(E), SASE, and VRDE.

  • Micro Electronic Devices, Computational Systems & Cyber Systems (MED & CoS)

The MED & CoS Cluster encompasses two areas viz. Micro Electronic Devices (MED) and Computational Systems & Cyber Systems (CoS). The Micro Electronic Devices (MED) sub-cluster focuses on thrust areas and technologies relating to Microwave Tubes, Solid State Electronics including Micro Electronic Device design and manufacturing. This sub-cluster comprises three laboratories namely, ANURAG, MTRDC, SSPL,

The Computational Systems (CoS) sub-cluster focuses on systems and technologies relating to Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Command, and Control, Networking, Information, and Communication Security, Secure/Trusted Computing Platforms, HPC, Cryptology, Information Security, and Cyber Security leading to the development of Mission Critical products for battlefield communication and management systems. This sub-cluster comprises CAIR, SAG labs

  • Missiles and Strategic Systems (MSS)

Works on the design and development of Missiles and Strategic Systems required for the deterrence and defense of the country. The Cluster comprises five laboratories – DRDL, RCI, ASL, TBRL, ITR, and various other centers. They are mainly used for testing, integration, and analysis of the systems being designed.  MSS cluster is working on technologies like Aerodynamics and Airframe Design; Solid, Liquid, Ramjet, and Scramjet Propulsion; Navigation, Control, Guidance, and Homing Systems; On-board Power Supply, Warhead Systems, Launch Systems as well as the Command and Control Systems for missile systems.

  • Life Sciences (LS)

The Cluster works from the selection of officers and men for various types of jobs in the Armed Forces, promulgating optimized ration scales with provisioning of fresh and processed foods tailored to the Indian dietary habits and operational needs, developing acclimatization schedules for harsh terrain, specialized protective clothing, biomedical devices and protective gear, life support systems in hostile and challenging environments, countering strategies to overcome Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear(CBRN) threats. In addition to their detection, protection, decontamination, and medical management of CBRN eventualities, psycho-socio-behavioral methodologies to cope with stresses, alternative systems/ strategies to enhance performance, etc., all have been the contributions of these laboratories over the years.

  • Electronics and Communication Systems (ECS)

ECS Cluster has a mandate to design and develop electronic, electro-optical, and laser-based sensors and systems. The Cluster consists of laboratories DARE, DEAL, DLRL, IRDE, LASTEC, LRDE, and the Cognitive Technology Lab.

The cluster laboratories have developed in the fields of EW Systems, Radars, Electro-optic Equipment, Laser Sources & sensors, Directed Energy Weapon Systems, and Communication Systems used in various Flagship Programmes and platforms of DRDO and ADA viz., Missile programs, Unmanned Air Vehicles, Airborne Early Warning & Control System, Aerostats, Main Battle Tank, Integrated Coastal Surveillance System and Light Combat Aircraft, etc. Apart from this, many of the systems and sensors developed by the Cluster Labs are deployed and used by Indian Armed forces and paramilitary services. 

  • Naval Systems and Materials (NS & M)

NPOL, NSTL, NMRL, DMRL, DMSRDE, and DLJ with DG Headquarters at Visakhapatnam. Naval Science & Materials cluster provides cutting-edge naval and material solutions for the Armed Forces. The cluster has developed state-of-the-art underwater sensors and surveillance systems; underwater weapons and associated systems; Air Independent Propulsion systems; protection technologies for marine platforms; stealth and camouflage technologies for land, air, and naval platforms; advanced metallic, ceramic, polymeric, and composite materials for structural and functional application; and nuclear radiation management technologies.


DARPA’s research portfolio is managed by six technical offices charged with developing breakthrough technologies and additional offices that manage special projects and the transition of DARPA-funded technologies into Department of Defense capabilities. The Agency benefits from contributions by several support offices well.

  • Biological Technologies Office

DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office develops capabilities that embrace the unique properties of biology—adaptation, replication, complexity—and applies those features to revolutionize how the United States protects its Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines. BTO is helping the Department of Defense expand technology-driven capabilities to detect novel threats and protect U.S. force readiness, deploy physiological interventions to maintain an operational advantage, support warfighter readiness, and focus on operational biotechnology for mission success.

  • Defense Sciences Office

DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office (DSO) identifies and pursues high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines and transforms them into important, new game-changing technologies for U.S. national security. Current DSO themes include frontiers in math, computation and design, limits of sensing and sensors, complex social systems, and anticipating surprise. DSO relies on the greater scientific research community to help identify and explore ideas that could potentially revolutionize the state-of-the-art.

  • Information Innovation Office

I2O explores game-changing technologies in the fields of information science and software to anticipate and create rapid shifts in the complex national security landscape. Conflict can occur in traditional domains such as land, sea, air, and space, and emerging domains such as cyber and other types of irregular warfare. I2O’s research portfolio is focused on anticipating new modes of warfare in these emerging areas and developing the concepts and tools necessary to provide a decisive advantage for the U.S. and its allies.

  • Microsystems technology offices

The Microsystems Technology Office’s (MTO) core mission is to develop high-performance intelligent microsystems and next-generation components to ensure U.S. dominance in the areas of Command, Control, Communications, Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Directed Energy (DE). The effectiveness, survivability, and lethality of these systems depend critically on the microsystems contained inside.

  • Strategic technology Office

DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office (STO) is focused on technologies that enable fighting as a network to increase military effectiveness, cost leverage, and adaptability.

  • Tactical Technology Office

The mission of DARPA/TTO is to provide or prevent strategic and tactical surprises with very high-payoff, high-risk development and demonstration of revolutionary new platforms in Ground Systems, Maritime (Surface and Undersea) Systems, Air Systems, and Space Systems

The Comparision

If we compare both of them in terms of the field they excel then we can see both of them are standing on the same level ground. Both of them are making strides in Improving current technology and Developing upcoming ones as needed by their own country.

The Project working & Structure



Empowering the nation with state-of-the-art indigenous Defence technologies and systems.


  • Design, develop and lead to the production of state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, platforms, and allied equipment for our Defence Services.
  • Provide technological solutions to the Services to optimize combat effectiveness and promote the well-being of the troops.
  • Develop infrastructure and committed quality manpower and build a strong indigenous technology base.

DRDO is Independent but still, most of the part comes under the government itself. As said it directly reports to the Ministry of Defence or in particular Defence Minister. The DRDO comprises 5000 Scientists and more than 25,000 other subordinate scientific, technical, and supporting personnel.

Here, there are levels of Scientist like Scientist C, D, and there on till H. Bigger letters higher the seniority. Here, DRDO didn’t directly contact industries. It was most of the time treated as if it was a vendor and the Army Headquarters or the Air Headquarters were the customers. Because the Army and the Air force themselves did not have any design or construction responsibility. They tended to treat the designer or Indian industry at par with their corresponding designer in the world market. If they could get a MiG-21 from the world market, they wanted a MiG-21 from DRDO.

The People present over here, take the projects as per the requirement given by forces and then work on technology. There was also a time when the only design was done and efficiently transferred to industry for manufacturing. Groups of Scientist work on projects, do feasibility studies, pass the funds, design, make and then test all over there. Nowadays DRDO has developed many In-house testing facilities as well which earlier were not present.


Mission Statement:-

To make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security. By collaborating with academia, industry, and government partners, DARPA formulates and executes research and development projects to expand the frontiers of technology and science, often beyond immediate U.S. military requirements.

DARPA is independent of other military research and development and reports directly to senior Department of Defense management. DARPA comprises approximately 220 government employees in six technical offices, including nearly 100 program managers, who together oversee about 250 research and development programs.

Now here, one needs to understand who program managers/project leaders are. They are not just the people of government having zero technical knowledge of the field but actually, they are Promising individuals in particular fields who have ideas that can reshape the world of national defense and security. Program managers report to DARPA’s office directors and their deputies, who are responsible for charting their offices’ technical directions, hiring program managers, and overseeing program execution. The technical staff is also supported by experts in security, legal and contracting issues, finance, human resources, and communications. These are the people who make it possible for program managers to achieve big things during their relatively short tenures.

Here the program managers also come in contact with the defense ecosystem and take advantage to make the item or can even begin their own in form of Startups.

The Comparision

If we see over here, Right from the Motto and vision, we see that DRDO has more inclination of working as per requirement and making required things cutting edge according to current requirements. While the counterpart, DARPA goes for innovation from the beginning. They have a mission of providing items much beyond immediate US military requirement

Along with this, DRDO is a non-commercial government department, hamstrung by procurement rules and practices. By tradition and practice, R&D labs are less focused on deliverables and project management. The DRDO is like an academic institution; it is in the business of teaching and learning. Due to this many times, the things designed take a lot of time to come to the actual field. A bureaucratic delay can derail a whole project timeline.

The Manpower and Budget

The Allotted budget for DRDO for the year 2021-22 is Rs. 21330.2 Crores almost equal to 2.67 Billion USD. The people working in as stated 5000 on Scientist post and about 25000 on supporting post

The DARPA budget is 3.868 Billion USD as of 2021-22. The people working directly in DARPA are around 220 people and even if additional 100 project managers the count goes to 320.


Here, if we compare directly then we can see that DARPA has even less than 1% percent of the staff of what DRDO has. Here at still the DRDO budget even being less has more employees. So one can understand that half of the budget could be going into the Salary and supporting the staff. If we consider the lab support and its costs then it would cost even more.

Here, one can even see that if there are more people in DRDO, the technology level of DRDO should be higher. However the contrary is true, this shows somewhere there is some lack, where DARPA excels more than DRDO. One needs to understand that DARPA directly doesn’t research by itself, they hire people who are experts and gives them funding.

But DRDO does everything in-house, which would lead to delays. The reason is, that every time DRDO has to develop the lab for specific testing. And making a new lab for a new project takes time. The best example is we still don’t have any testbed or test facility for Turbofan high altitude testing. So we have to send it to other countries. Now, if it doesn’t perform as per parameters then, again design back in India, again back in another country. Now here, if the same facility were to be made in India, it would cost a lot of time and money. And we have already seen shortfalls in the budget. Hence, the money available for actual research is less available.

Along with this, even if DRDO needed some industry to make something for Army, it was stuck with delay-ridden, non-qualitative OFB. The best example is the Grenade Timer delay, the deal hamstrung that army is receiving modern grenades in 2020 instead of 2010. This shows that even if research was done, the manufacturing was either not taken care of while designing or the industry was not at all capable of supporting the level of research. Knowing the notoriety of OFB, the latter one seems to be true.

The Projects of DRDO

Starting with Aeronautics, our indigenous fighter “Tejas” has a very high contribution. HAL is the maker but the designer is ADE which is part of DRDO. Along with this recent upgradation of Su-30 MKI to Super Sukhoi will have many systems from DRDO itself. Along with this, the upcoming AMCA will also have all technologies made by DRDO. Also, the SWiFT program, Ghatak program, and UAVs like Rustom, TAPAS BH, Abhyas drone, etc not missing the Anti-Drone warfare. Parts of Electonic Countermeasures, Chaff, and Flares, along with upgrades in avionics and Flight control are also Designed by DRDO.

Pic credits:- GODL India

In Armament, Body armor, High altitude clothing, Explosion kit, etc. Also, small arms, guns, Ammunition, ATGM, Artillery ( Dhanush, ATAGS), Tanks like Arjun Mk1 and upcoming Zorawar, Rocket launcher Pinaka, Mortars, FICV and FRCV concepts, and Infantry and Armoured vehicles.

Pic Credits:- Wiki

In Micro Electronic Devices, Computational Systems & Cyber Systems, we have Various microprocessors in development that are embedded in missiles and various armaments. In Computing technologies, various supercomputers and Quantum computing. Not much is known about cyber systems for now.

In Missiles and Strategic Systems (MSS), we all know every now and then there is a NOTAM in Westbengal from ITR Orissa, for testing missiles. DRDO was main in the integrated guided missile development program, from Prithvi to Helina, and from Agni 1 to Agni 6 (Project Vishnu), all have been made by DRDO. Even the upcoming Hypersonic missiles are also under the umbrella of DRDO. Delivery of missiles through various means is also developed by DRDO (Universal Launch ejector for ASTRA). Defensive missiles like QRSAM, XRSAM, Barak-8, and ASAT missiles are under the missile development program as well.

AGNI missile
Pic Credits: To respective owner

In Life Sciences (LS) special foods are developed for Army to keep them healthy in operation. They make suits from Space to G-suits of aircraft to deep diving underwater suits. They also focus on psychological aspects of Chemical, biological and Nuclear warfare as well. Since we have various climates from Siachen to Rajasthan we need to acclimatize the soldier for each of them.

Pic Credits:- DRDO

In Electronics, all the radars from Ground-based Rohini to Air based Uttam and NETRA, From 4D radar Arudhara to Synthetic aperture radar, and From multimode to AESA. Command & Control software, C3I system for Agni and Brahmos Missiles, various Simulators of fighters, tanks, vehicles, etc. In the field of laser Projects Aditiya, Kali, and Durga are also in progress.

Uttam AESA Radar
Pic credits:- Kuntal Biswas

In Naval Systems, a wide range of Sonar systems, Multiple torpedoes like Advanced light torpedo, Varunastra, and SMART. The air Independent propulsion, EW trainers, Simulators, Control and Command systems, Mines, etc. Adsorbent material for submarines, radar components, naval ship signature reduction efforts, and materials technology. DRDO has played a significant role in the development of warship-grade steel in India and its production. Not only these systems but on our Stealth frigates and destroyers and Most secret ship of India, INS Dhruv are also from DRDO.

Picture source:- Defpost

Projects of DARPA

It is actually hard to find a particular project that falls under which cluster of DARPA but still in general if we start summing up then the world’s most important military techs can trace their roots to DARPA.

Pic Credits- Encyclopædia Britannica

The internet, through which we are assessing worldwide information at our fingertips was actually the brainchild of DARPA called ARPANET. They initiated the project to assess remote computers. DARPA also made projects on Defence shields, Nuclear test detection, SOSUS, radar, infrared sensing, and Gamma rays detection.

DARPA also made a predecessor of GPS called “Transit” which paved the way for GPS. Robots like Big Dog, Legged Squad Support System, etc were made by Boston Dynamics. in the field of robotics. They are under DARPA but made by a private player.

Robots by DARPA
Image Credits to the owner

The current hypersonic program, THOR program, and NGAD ( 6th Gen Fighter) program all are being worked upon by DARPA. There is also an EATR project that works on robots that can run on plants and run like any human or animal can. They are also working on Blood pharming where making Artificial Blood. Along with this work on exoskeletons and EXACTO ammunition (that will hit the target designated). They are also working to make insects and use them for surveillance and espionage.

EXACTO Ammunition
Pic Credits to respective owners

Along with this work on Neural Implants which can enhance a human brain and will easily communicate with digital devices. EXCALIBUR laser and vehicles that can fly and run on the road. Project SUBNETS to treat PTSD and Stress for neurological issues.

These are some of the projects known to the world and available some details in the public domain. However, there are a lot of projects, which are yet to be revealed.


If we see, again DARPA wins here since they are way ahead, and the only way it was possible was by having a pool of private to jump on projects. DRDO has actually started the steps now, and due to same we are at least a decade behind when we see the projects currently handled by DARPA.

The Way Forward

One has to honor when appreciation is Due. When seen from the Indian context, DRDO has always outperformed in various aspects. We are seeing new missiles every quarter, missile tests every month, and the name of DRDO in a leap of technology every day.

But one needs to also understand the shortfalls and improve them as well. Even though both of them were established in the same year (1958), there are many issues due to which DRDO lags, and DARPA was moved a way ahead. But on one hand, where DARPA has a laser focus on Surprising technologies, DRDO makes everything from Pin to Pulse-jet rocket engines. DRDO even made a machine for oxygen concentrator & production and the COVID vaccine, which shows the diversification

The bureaucratic delays still come up. The work done at DARPA cannot be accessible to any lobby, or by any politician. Only a few people from the government know about projects. In India, many of projects have been delayed or canceled due to the import lobby as well. Killing indigenous projects and preferring foreign parts was more prevalent earlier.

Making and testing everything in-house creates more cost. Keeping technology without understanding manufacturing, on a mass scale, or collaborating with manufacturing creates massive delays. If DRDO also looks forward to making the technology with domestic companies research areas could be increased and costs would also be shared. The steps for the same have even started recently the government has launched PLI for promoting domestic production, and RLI (Research linked Incentive scheme) is also on the way.

The steps towards Aatmanirbhar Bharat have given DRDO a boost and surety of its own technology. Along with this, DRDO is also singing MoU with various Industries to develop and co-developing systems. Also, DRDO is now providing technical support to private industries by proving labs for testing. DRDO has also done Technology transfers (1474 to date) directly to private players. They harnessed the potential of the technology and sold it to Indian defense industries.

Along with this, DRDO is also collaborating with IITs and IISCs for incubation and taking knowledge from young minds. In this way, DRDO would be able to save a lot of funds. Along with this, can even earn in terms of consultancy and put all their brains into upcoming technologies. This is quite necessary since China is actually taking leaps in terms of technology. DRDO has a lot to catch up on in various aspects starting from Robotics to guns and from Tanks to Warships.

In comparison with DARPA, no doubt we would be a decade behind, but we are also catching up and still, there is a lot of catching up to do in various fields. The only way it is possible is to either harness the full manpower potential or to start private collaboration as much as possible.


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