Indian Air Force

Download Now: Indian Air Force Official Calendar 2021

  • Indian Air Force has released official calendar of 2021. This calendar is dedicated to Fg Offr Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon of 18 Sqn IAF who single handedly battled six Sabres in a Gnat Mk I overhead Srinagar on 14 Dec 71.
  • Sekhon was overwhelmed by superior numbers and killed in action but not before he forced two Sabres to disengage and one to be damaged by his guns.
  • Sekhon received the nation’s highest honour for gallantry, the IAF’s first Param Vir Chakra for his dogged last stand against overwhelming odds in defence of Srinagar.

To Download IAF Calendar 2021, CLICK HERE


  • The 1971 war was a watershed moment in India’s military history with the scale and manner of victory having a profound political impact on the three nations involved. The synergy amongst the three arms of India’s military in accomplishing a significant and clear victory on two fronts of war has enshrined itself in the annals of nation’s history, apart from making the world take notice of India’s impact in its neighbourhood.
  • The operations also affirmed the supremacy of airpower in shaping the battlefield and bringing about a decisive victory. The Battle of Longewala and the Dacca Attack standout as profound examples epitomising the credible offensive capability of the Indian Air Force at that time. Since then, the IAF has evolved and transformed into a potent aerospace power ever ready to accomplish its mission.
  • The need to encapsulate methods and patterns of operations is most essential to preserve a very important part of our history. Towards that, a large number of aerial photographs acquired by the IAF, of the period stand witness to the impact that the Indian military forces had on the battlefield.
  • The Rich paintings in this commemorative calendar bring out some of those exciting moments of grit and valour displayed by the air warriors.


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