
Explained: Chinese Propaganda Tools Against India

Since the Chinese communist party came into power they have been working to increase the propaganda apparatus of china. Reportedly China injects millions of dollars into its propaganda machinery that targets countries around the world out of which one is India. There have been many instances where China has used its propaganda machinery to spread misinformation in India. As we all know, the Chinese government controls information and censors information that harms its interests. China has banned1 all foreign applications such as Google, Facebook, and Instagram to control the flow of information and keep its public blind about what is happening around the world. 

Over the past decade, China has set up news organizations such as Global Times, China daily, etc. which mainly target the English-speaking population around the world. These news organizations are often called “Mouthpieces of China”. As these news organizations convey messages that the Chinese authorities want to send out to the world. 

FACT- There Is a Dedicated Publicity Department of CCP But It Is Often Called As Propaganda Department of CCP.

During the Galwan Valley clash, we saw how aggressively China tried to spread misinformation via different channels of communication for example through Global times it targeted the Indian audience and they tried to influence the common masses of people it tried to showcase that Chinese soldiers are much better than Indian soldiers. China also uses social media websites to spread propaganda and misinformation in India.

 It is observed they have thousands of fake accounts on social media websites and uses those accounts to spread misinformation this is done to create a “Pro-China Narrative” and shape public opinion accordingly. If we closely take a look into the posts created by pro-china accounts it is observed there is just a slight difference in the language and all those accounts emphasize that China is in a stronger position they also try to create a rift between sections of society.

There is one such incident where India busted the Chinese propaganda China released some pictures which showcased a group of PLA troops is on the Indian side or at a buffer zone but the Indian security establishment rubbished those claims and later released a video of Indian soldier hoisting Indian tricolor at the same location. Beijing has realized that it is facing a formidable army in Eastern Ladakh to create a pro-china narrative they have unleashed psychological warfare against India in order to alter the opinion of the Indian people.

China and Pakistan have constantly indulged themselves in a proxy war against India. They use their propaganda machinery against India to defame our country and instigate violence. These two countries try to spread fake information through social media using fake accounts. Pakistan and China have been carrying out psychological warfare against India during the galwan valley clash Pakistani media flooded the social media handles with fake news and propaganda but the bubble of misinformation was busted by the Indian side and rubbished those claims.

During the prophet controversy in India, China refrained from commenting on the controversy but on Monday china issued a statement “China always believes that different civilizations and religions should respect each other and live together as equals.” But on the other China has been accused of committing crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against the Uyghur population and other mostly-Muslim ethnic groups in the north-western region of Xinjiang on this matter Pakistan has never spoken out against China.


In this connected world, it has become much easier to spread misinformation and propaganda in order to save ourselves from misinformation we should always check the authenticity of the source. The source is classified into three categories — white, whose source is known; grey, whose source is not known; and black, wherein the information is attributed to someone other than the source. As regards Eastern Ladakh, the propaganda source is white and well known. The content is generally based on the prevailing situation and contains incidents that are twisted to push untrue statements as facts.

Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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