Indian Defence

Need Of The Hour For Indian Armed Forces

In Indian democracy, this question has been raised time and again. Should we change with the need of the hour? Or should we remain as it is? Well, many say that the only constant thing is change. So should armed forces change within this crucial time? Though this is a highly debatable topic. But I’ll try my best to present a few credible and explicit facts!

Are We Not The Same?

The concept of a modern army.

For a moment of time, when we deliberately contemplate on this topic and when we compare it with the present day scenario. We see that yes, armed forces are changing. Forces are changing gradually, and obviously, they’re improvising. As a matter of fact, bravery alone cannot simply win a war. There are many other pivotal. And one of those pivotal is that of OODA strategy, a part of which is to orient oneself.

Why Or Why Not?

Many will still say that the forces should not change. Because the way in which the armed forces are being trained or in the way in which the foundation of the same has been laid, the most optimum avenue is that of tranquillity.

A careful consideration of facts to determine overall good.

But at the same moment many will also argue that if we don’t initiate reforms, we will increase the redundancy of our technology platforms and our men. In a nutshell, we will lack behind.

House In Favour Of Change

So, the question about change is genuine and the answer to this turns out to be an affirmative one. The former is true, the ethos, pathos, and the enthusiasm in our Armed forces are quite lucidly based on the good old Constitution and the Institutional structure of our armed forces.

An Extended Spectrum Of Change

A fact well worthy to be mentioned is that the change should not pertain to weapons and institutional structure only. Reforms can also be associated with the change in strategy and psyche. Permutations in the way of dealing with the situation in the contemporary day India and Indian Armed Forces are giving a paradigm of change. Permutation of ‛defensive’ mode to ‛defensive offense’ posture speaks about the same.

Though, there are many loopholes in our institutional setup too, which solicit our endeavors to counter them. Testimony to which is the advent of CDS posts in the regime of armed forces.

Chief of Defence Staff
Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat.

And incredibly, the credibility of the fact can also be corroborated by the platitudes conveying that if we didn’t have done this, we would have lost significant territories to China and it’s oppressive kind of military posture. All that we have done was the need of the hour. Our firmness was crucial.
Thankfully, no one can dare to grasp even an inch of Indian land. “We are resilient but at the same time, we are ferocious and we are extremely dangerous.

Reforms And Moral Consistency

When we speak about change. We don’t actually speak about changing our morals, changing our enthusiasm, changing the ‘Josh’. Actually, we can speak volumes about having a little bit of change in our training so that we remain compatible with the present-day forces.

The fact is obvious that we cannot fight a war now with .303 rifles. At least, this example favors change and improvisation. Because, when we speak about change, we speak about favorable change and the same which is good. So yes, we need change, but at the same time, we should ensure that the ingenuity, enthusiasm, and moral stature should not be compromised.

The change is good and the same is whole heartily welcomed.
A nice question is whether we will witness reforms on the ground, or not? We observe that there is the only iota of change, largely because people are reluctant to change. But history is evident that those who don’t change, perish. Only the strongest survive. Thanks to Indian bureaucracy and corruption, we are at the ebb of change. It is important to realize that change is our need of the hour, not of someone else’s.

Change Is OurNeed Of The Hour

So, I believe that there is no high time to changes. The reason is quite simple. More or less, at every moment, there is an influx of new cutting edge technology and innovation in the field of Defence. We are moving forth, towards a completely obscure dimension. We should prepare for the same.

A bomb desposing robot used by NSG.

As the generations pass, we should embrace change, keeping in mind that we should also not forget our past because our future cannot be independent of our past. So whenever there is a mention of any change or anything new, then it must have its roots back in history. That’s why we prefer our older traditions even with everything new!

And believe me, the change is reversible, if we keep in our consciousness, the need! So do change but in a healthy way! As we cannot endorse reforms by putting our ingenuity at stake. In a nutshell, change is the need of the hour!

Jai Hind!

Chaitanya Shukla

I am a defence aspirant and an army enthusiast. I am committed to ardently work for my nation and for my people! From Rashtriya Military School Chail.

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