
India Tests Agni-5 Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile

Key Highlights:

  • Agni-5 capable of striking targets at ranges up to 5,000 kilometers with a very high degree of accuracy.
  • Uses a three-stage solid-fuelled engine.
  • Successful launch in line with India’s policy to have ‘credible minimum deterrence’ that underpins the commitment to ‘No First Use’.

A successful launch of the Surface to Surface Ballistic Missile, Agni-5, was carried out on October 27, 2021, at approximately 1950 hrs from APJ Abdul Kalam Island, Odisha. The missile, which uses a three-stage solid-fuelled engine, is capable of striking targets at ranges up to 5,000 kilometers with a very high degree of accuracy.

Also Read: AGNI: India’s Most Powerful Missiles

The successful test of Agni-5 is in line with India’s stated policy to have ‘credible minimum deterrence’ that underpins the commitment to ‘No First Use’.

Rajesh Negi

Defence & Sports Enthusiast

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