
Govt Debunks Reports Claiming Security Threat At Pangode Military Station

Reports carried by a section of the online media related to the security of the Pangode Military station here are ‘unsubstantiated,” a Defence PRO said here on Tuesday. “No security threat at Pangode Military station”, the Defence wing said in a release. It said the news carried by the online media does not hold credibility due to lack of authentication and supporting evidence and warned that appropriate action would be initiated against any entity that peddles in fake news, especially that which jeopardizes security.

The office of the Defence PRO, in its official capacity, scrutinized the validation of the contents of the news segment publicized online from varied official agencies who proclaimed that the news is unsubstantiated. “It is needless to emphasize that publicizing such fake news in any media platform is against media ethics and is a serious breach of security”, said the release issued by the Defence wing here. The reports had claimed that the Pangode military station was facing a ‘security threat’.


Shankul Bhandare

Hello, I am shankul and I love defence research and development and want to spread it through blogging.

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