Indian Defence

Firing After 45 Years Across LAC

After 45 years, India witnessed it’s first firing incident across the LAC. Last time it occurred was when in 1975 Sikkim autonomously became part of India, some Chinese soldiers crossed LAC and ambushed with Assam Rifle’s Jawan’s. Chinese soldiers started firing which lead 4 Indian soldiers to be KIA. This incident is acting as a reminiscent of the 1975’s incident, which will lead to further more tensions across the LAC.

This incident happened in the southern part of the Pan gong Tsu lake. Since India captured the Blacktop in the night of 29-30 August, China tried many times to recapture it but failed in each attempt.Even they provoked our soldiers many times, but they dealt with the matter in a very calm way.


A statement released by the Western Theatre Command, which claimed that the Indian Army crossed the LAC and violated the agreements to not to fire across the LAC. They claimed that Indian soldiers fired a warning round, which led Chinese soldiers to fire a warning round in destitution.


India made it clear that neither India crossed the LAC, and also India is committed to maintaining the disengagement and de-escalation process across the LAC. Instead Chinese soldiers tried to get close to the Indian forward post and also tried to cross the LAC. Indian soldiers dissuaded their intentions, hence in destitution, Chinese soldiers fired round in the air. But still, Indian soldiers dealt the situation with full restraint and tried not to violate agreements from the Indian side.

This incident violated the 1996 & 2005 agreements not to use firearms across the LAC. The situation is getting more tensed across the border day by day. China is trying to get more domestic sympathy, just by faking such incidents. Instead, India is capturing their parts along the LAC. But now since these agreements are violated, it will be a matter of concern about the future of these agreements. Let’s just wait for any further statements from our side.

Dipendra Singh

I had embarked myself on the path of an army officer who will live on his own terms, for a good cause and will embrace the death with glory, whenever it will arrive .

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