Leadership: Being A Leader
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
One of the most important factors to crack any DEFENCE EXAM is to induce Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) in oneself. They want a Leader. OLQs does not develop instantly, as it is a gradual process. Here, I am going to talk about LEADERSHIP. Let us see and talk explicitly about LEADERSHIP.
Do You Have It In You?
Leadership plays a decisive role in the success of a team as well as of an individual. While taking SSB IOs try to assess leadership skills in a candidate.
Meaning of leadership
There is a general notion that leaders just give orders. Frankly speaking, it is a slack notion actually. On my personal experience, a good leader always leads from the front. He/she himself/herself becomes an example for the rest to follow. People won’t make such a person their leader whose leadership twirls into the air and is futile on the ground. On the other hand, they will actually make a person their leader, who is submissive to them. An austere reality is that a community speculates its leader in a person who surpasses them in a way or another.
It demands ‘YOU‘
I remember one of my senior(now an airforce cadet) telling me about leadership. He told me that it is not always obvious for people to follow the right person, they will rather regard a person their leader who is more expressive(right too).
Demeanour,manerisms, accent, temperament, behaviour and personality helps to develop impression. It should be remembered that people can do anything for a person whom they have faith on and who has dedicated a part of himself (mind and soul) to them.
Tips To Remember:
- You should be affable and humble.
- Listen to advices and problems of your people.
- You should always endorse good endeavours of your men.
- As a leader you are answerable of your team’s deed to your superiors, so, it is ok to be circumspecting a little bit, but you too should have faith in them which can develop only through empathy with your people.
- A leader’s actions should be audacious, but remember that they should be rational as well.
- A set of following qualities are expected out of a leader- perseverance, motivating personality, phenomenal courage to take risks, rhetoric speaking skills and he/she should be able to galvanize his/her followers.
A last word
Leadership involves meticulous calibration of odds and evens, so, a leader is expected to be of a sharper mindset. One should never show contempt towards seniors because juniors learn from seniors only.
By following the preceding instructions and yes, most importantly, thinking like a leader, taking lead in real life situations, one can develop leadership skills and can undertake elusive tasks, ardous journeys and lead ardently.
You are a ‘leader’ now!
Always remember, a leader always learns from his/her mistakes, so, never stop learning!
Good. Carry on to learn more… Dream more.